
Who am I?

My name is Caio Guedes. I am a software engineer born and raised in Brazil, working with accessibility solutions for digital cinema at Assista Tecnologia. Currently I am a Master’s of Science student at Federal University of Paraíba working on my thesis on Distributed Systems.

I am passionate about working with technologies that impact user experience, mainly those that work with Multimedia, Distributed Systems and Digital Audio and Video. I enjoy learning everything I possibly can, therefore you may see a lot of information on different topics on this blog.

What is this site?

This site is a place to keep record of my professional and personal journey. You will be able to find interesting stories, discussion on different technologies and tutorials. The main goal is to spread as much information to the community as I possibly can while keeping it interesting. Feel free to contact me if you have any doubt or suggestion on anything that is written on the page. Enjoy your stay and subscribe to the RSS feed if you enjoy the content.